COVID-19 Contingency Plan

The AdP - Águas de Portugal Group companies are ready and able, whether under the auspices of their specific Contingency Plans for COVID-19 or their emergency operational planning for the management of the risks and contingencies inherent to this type of situation, to safely and reliably guarantee the supply of water and the treatment of wastewaters.

Every company has already developed and put into practice a Contingency Plan within the scope of the infection caused by the new COVID-19 coronavirus drafted in accordance with Guideline no. 006/2020 of 26/02/2020 issued by the General Directorate of Health that includes exceptional measures for managing risks and guaranteeing the security and reliability of water supply and wastewater treatment services. 

The COVID-19 Contingency Plans identify the human and technical resources critical to ensuring these essential services, specifically the members of staff, their tasks and duties and working conditions, whether in their normal positions or working remotely, as well as the ICT means and resources, among other aspects. These plans also extend to defining the participation of regular service and supply providers and identify the needs for materials/products and any eventual temporary increases to stocks to offset any possible difficulties in the regular chain of supply. 

These contingency plans also integrate procedures that seek to guarantee effective responses able to minimise the impact of the potential risks to the health of our workers, especially through enabling recourse to remote working, whenever appropriate, alongside preventive and control measures to minimise the risks of infection transmission to those whose jobs require their physical presence in the workplace. In these cases, working duties get organised so as to minimise the risks of contagion, especially through the organisation of shift patterns that avoid any personal contact, further reinforcing the hygiene standards in the workplace, setting up back-up teams in isolation to provide support and replacements in cases of need, boosting online means of interaction in preference to in-person communication, with distancing rules applied in face-to-face service provision, among other such examples.

All members of staff have been duly informed and made aware of the essential individual need to adopt personal hygiene practices and social behaviours whether when at work or in their personal lives.

As regards serving our clients, this has now prioritised communication channels via telephone and the Internet with the definition of specific rules for in-person attendance in cases when such is essential. 

We are aware of our responsibilities and all our teams of staff are committed towards giving their very best to guarantee the continuity of the services we provide to the population along with our other essential activities. 

We would call on you for your collaboration in obtaining this shared objective!

Any questions or queries on this matter may be sent to:

18 of March of 2020