The project Smart Fire Prevention – Wildfire Risk Assessment using Satellite Inspection and Implementation of Deforestation Measures aims to develop a platform that facilitates the planning of deforestation within fire prone zones that surround infrastructures owned by the AdP Group – Águas de Portugal utilities. 

Financed by the Portuguese Environmental Fund, this project promotes the optimization of fire fuel management within the AdP Group. Throughout satellite images, this project allows the dematerialization of the deforestation planning process, while facilitating activities previously developed onsite.

With AdP VALOR as a coordinator, the consortium of this project also includes Águas do Vale do Tejo as case study provider, and Decunify as technological partner that uses Hitachi technology.

The Advisory Board includes Águas do Algarve, Águas da Região de Aveiro e Águas do Norte, three operational companies from AdP Group.

During the development of the project, 10 infrastructures managed by Águas do Vale do Tejo are being considered. These infrastructures were chosen based on their typology and location, prioritizing their location within the study area (municipalities of Fundão and Belmonte, as well as other relevant adjacent municipalities), and within regions that frequently present deforestation needs.

Achieving this project goals will contribute to a decrease in risk ignition, thus providing protection for AdP Group assets, as well as their workers and surrounding populations. Moreover, this project also promotes a more efficient fire fuel management, while simultaneously contributing to technological innovation within fire fuel management and wildfire prevention.


Budget: 80 000 EUR

Starting date: March 2021

Project duration: 12 months


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