- AdP
Compliance with legal obligations
AdP is a public company that, in keeping with its status as an anonymous commercial company, falls under the auspices of the Commercial Company Code, the Juridical Regime for the Public Business Sector (Decree Law no. 133/2013, of 3 October) and other applicable legislation.
AdP is, under the terms of the aforementioned Decree Law no. 133/2013, of 3 October, especially required to comply with a set of legal obligations, specifically:
Draft Activity and Budget Plans
The company annually produces Activity and Budget Plans in compliance with the stipulations of article 43 of Decree Law no. 133/2013, of 3 October.
Release of Information
The company is in full compliance with the terms of art. 44 of Decree Law no. 133/2013, of 3 October.
Submission of annual financial information to the Chartered Accountant
The company is in full compliance with that stipulated by art. 45 of Decree Law no. 133/2013, of 3 October.
Production of an annual report identifying occurrences, or risk of occurrence, associated with the prevention of corruption
The company is in full compliance with the terms of art. 46 of Decree Law no. 133/2013, of 3 October.
Adoption and dissemination of a code of ethics
The company is in full compliance with the stipulations of art. 47 of Decree Law no. 133/2013, of 3 October.
Achievement of social responsibility and environmental objectives
The company is in full compliance with the terms of art. 49 of Decree Law no. 133/2013, of 3 October.
Implementation of human resource policies and equality plans
The company is in full compliance with the requirements of art. 50 of Decree Law no. 133/2013, of 3 October.
Ensuring the independence of management body members and any impediments
The company is in full compliance with the terms of art. 51 of Decree Law no. 133/2013, of 3 October. All members of the management bodies approved the Aguas de Portugal Group Integrity Policy and complied with the stipulations of art. 51 of the aforementioned legislation, providing the company with a declaration of the absence of any conflicts of interest or declared commitments preventing them from participating in decisions that directly or indirectly involve their own interests. Evidence of their compliance was also submitted to the company.
Compliance of management body members with the obligation to declare any assets, stakes or relationships susceptible to generating conflicts of interest with the management body, the inspection entity or IGF
The company is in full compliance with the stipulations of art. 52 of Decree Law no. 133/2013, of 3 October. All members of management bodies have demonstrated their compliance with the terms of art. 52 of the aforementioned legislation, delivering to the Board of Directors, the Supervisory Board and the General Inspectorate of Finances, the declarations of assets, stakes or relationships susceptible to generating conflicts of interest. Evidence of their compliance was delivered to the company.
Obligatory dissemination of information on the UTAM Internet site
The company is in full compliance with the terms of art. 53 of Decree Law no. 133/2013, of 3 October.
Production of annual reports on good corporate governance practices
The company is in full compliance with art. 54 of Decree Law no. 133/2013, of 3 October.
Production of an annual Equality Plan
The company is in full compliance with the terms of art. 7 of Law no. 62/2017, of 1 August.
Balanced gender representation on company management and supervisory bodies
The company complies with art. 4 of Law no. 62/2017, of 1 August.
Compliance with Council of Ministers Resolution no. 18/2014, of 7 March
The AdP Group is in full compliance with the terms foreseen in nos. 2 and 3 of the Council of Ministers Resolution no. 18/2014, of 7 March, carrying out the drafting and publication of a report on the remunerations paid to women and men within the scope of diagnosis and prevention of unjustified differences in levels of remuneration.