Executive Chair: António Pedro de Nobre Carmona Rodrigues*

Executive Vice-Chair: José Manuel Leitão Sardinha

Executive Director: Catarina Isabel Clímaco Monteiro d’Oliveira

Executive Director: Alexandra Maria Martins Ramos da Cunha Serra

Executive Director: Pedro Manuel Amaro Martins Vaz**

(*) since 5th June 2024
(**) has suspended duties with effect from 26th March 2024

Non-executive Director: José Realinho de Matos, Parpública, SGPS, S.A.

The members of the Board of Directors hold recognised competences, academic backgrounds and professional experience in keeping with the activities undertaken by the Company and the strategy defined for future years. 


The Board of Directors is responsible for managing Company activities and decision-making on any management issue of relevance to the Company or any other not included in the exclusive competences of the General Assembly. Under the terms of Article 13 of the Company statutes, the Board of Directors is to:

- Approve the objectives and the company management policies(*);
- Approve the annual financial activity plans, as well as any alterations that prove necessary;
- Manage the company businesses and undertake all acts and operations relative to the company’s purpose that do not fall within the competences attributed to other Company bodies;
- Represent the Company inside or outside of court, actively and passively, able to withdraw and make commitments and testify in full right and, furthermore, reach arbitration agreements;
- Acquire, sell or any form of disposing or encumbering rights or properties;
- Establish companies and subscribe, acquire, encumber and alienate company holdings;
- Establish the technical-administrative structure of the Company and the internal operating norms, specifically as regards staff and remunerations;
- Attribute mandatories with the powers then deemed convenient, including those of appointment;
- Wield the other competences that are attributed to it whether by law or by the General Assembly.

(*) in compliance and alignment with the orientations handed down by the holders of the shareholder function.

The Chair of the Board of Directors is responsible for representing the Board of Directors, the coordination of the activities of the Board of Director as well as convening and chairing the respective meetings, striving for the appropriate implementation of board deliberations. S/he is also responsible for supervising the relationship between the Company and its shareholders.


The rules of functioning and organisation of the Board of Directors are those established in the Statutes (art. 16) and in the Operating Regulations of the Board of Directors.

The Board of Directors meets on a monthly basis and extraordinarily whenever so convened by the respective chair, who shall proceed with the convening either on their own initiative or at the request of another director.

The members of the Board of Directors cannot miss this meeting, without due justification accepted by the administrative body, more than twice per year, subsequent or interspersed, in accordance with the terms of the Commercial Company Code.


The remuneration of members of the Board of Directors was set by the Company General Assembly in strict compliance with the Public Manager Statute, the Council of Ministers Resolution no. 36/2012, of 26 March and as well as the SET Dispatch 764/2012, of 24 May.

To obtain further information on the remunerations of directors, consult the Company Governance Report 2021.