We’re at work with the objective of protecting and enhancing the natural and human environments

We are a business group with exclusively public capital and, as our core activity, undertaking the integrated management of the urban water cycle, spanning each of its phases from the extraction, treatment and distribution of water for public consumption to the collection, transport, treatment and discharge of urban and industrial wastewaters, including their recycling and reutilisation.

With regional operations across mainland Portugal and an international presence in various countries, we also carry out activities not only in the renewable energy sector, maximising the energy production capacity of our assets and endogenous resources, but also in new business areas and with circular economy products. 


The subsidiary companies in Portugal, when establishing partnerships between the state and municipalities for the management of water services, may operate according to the concessionary model of state owned systems (Multi-Municipal Systems) or as managing companies for municipal systems under a public partnership regime, with the majority of equity capital held by AdP SGPS on behalf of the Portuguese state. 


The investments carried out over recent decades, through these subsidiaries, have contributed to profound transformations in the national water supply and sanitation sector, raising the standards of quality and establishing the infrastructures necessary to both ensure public health and the preservation of the environment. 


In order to keep pace with the evolution of this paradigm and the major social challenges in the sustainable management of water, we have established the Strategic Framework of Commitment that serves to strengthen our response capabilities to the dynamics associated with climate change, decarbonisation, the digital transformation and the circular economy, setting out all our ambitions in keeping with the principles of efficiency, innovation and quality of service.

Over the course of the last two decades, the AdP Group has invested over €6.3 billion which, in conjunction with its planning and implementation capacities, its operational and financial management experience, the development of innovative solutions and   the great commitment and dedication of its members of staff, has enabled a major improvement in these essential public services. This has resulted in positive and concrete impacts on the quality of the environment, public health, service standards and the overall sustainability of the sector.