
UN Global Compact, the largest corporate social responsibility initiative on a truly global scale that determines the ten principles that span Human and Working Rights, Environmental Protection and Anti-corruption Mechanisms. All Águas de Portugal Group companies are  signatories of the United Nations Global Compact and incorporates this commitment into its strategies and business policies that fully respect the principles of the Global Pact. Please click here for further information.

National Target for Gender Equality, a UN Global Compact Network Portugal initiative under the auspices of the Target Gender Equality program, reiterating the objective of promoting equality in treatment and opportunity and the balanced participation of the genders in professional activities. The AdP Group stands among the eight Portuguese flagship companies that lead the objective of obtaining 40% of women in decision-making roles by 2030. 

Business Ambition for 1.5ºC, an initiative from the United Nations Global Compact that seeks to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and contribute to the sustainability of this planet. Please click here for further information.

United Nations Global Compact Sustainable Ocean Principles, another UN Global Compact initiative to commit companies and institutions to evaluate their impacts on the ocean and to integrate ocean sustainability into their general strategy. Please click here for further information.


Alliance for the SDGs, with the objective of boosting the dynamics and contribution of the Portuguese business sector to implementing the 2030 Agenda of the UN, in particular the Sustainable Development Goals. The AdP Group was a founding member of the Alliance for the SDGs, with corporate representation by Fátima Borges, Director of Sustainability and Social Responsibility as an ambassador for SDG 6 – Drinking Water and Sanitation. We are members of the GCNP – the Global Compact Network Portugal and serve on its General Board.


Portuguese Charter for Diversity, a European Union initiative that seeks to encourage employers to develop and implement internal policies and practices for promoting diversity. Please click here for further information.


The iGen – Forum of Organisations for Equality, established in 2013, is made up of 73 organisations, national and multinational, from the public, private and social economy sectors, that operate in Portugal and that collectively account for around 2% of Portuguese GDP.
The AdP Group herein assumes its commitment to strengthening and demonstrating its organisational culture of social responsibility, incorporating the principles of gender equality in the workplace and employment into its strategies and management models.


Company HIV Code of Conduct 
Águas de Portugal was one of the pioneering companies in signing up to the “Companies and HIV” Code of Conduct, launched by the Labour Platform against AIDS. A key step was taken in 2009 through the involvement of all Group companies.
This initiative represents an important contribution to the response against HIV infection in the workplace, especially in terms of non-discrimination, prevention and access to treatment.


CEO Guide on Human Rights, launched in Portugal by BCSD Portugal, in this Guide, CEOs and senior managers set the bar for their peers in terms of greater ambition in ensuring the promotion of human rights in their organisations and chains of value and reaching beyond risk management and compliance with the minimums set by legislative and regulatory frameworks in seeking positive transformations in the lives of persons.

On Route to COP26, the manifesto of BCSD Portugal that highlights a set of objectives of great relevance to the 26th United Nations Conference on Climate Change (COP26), highlighting the decisive role that companies play in actions, not only due to the impacts of their chains of value but especially through their potential for investment, knowledge and innovation.


Pact for Mental Health 
The Center for Responsible Business & Leadership has now launched a Pact for Mental Health in Workplace Environments that challenges organisations to assume greater responsibility over adopting measures able to mitigate the problems related to the fragility of mental health in workplace environments with a particular focus on commitments that require immediate action at the level of each company. 

Joint Statement on the Right to Sanitation, an initiative launched by a group of European entities within the objective of ensuring the European Commission introduces legal provisions in its review of the Directive on the Treatment of Urban Wastewaters that guarantee the best possible access to sanitation services throughout all of mainland Europe in keeping with the respective human rights provisions.

ENIPSSA – National Strategy for the Integration of Persons facing Homelessness