- AdP
- Model and Governing Bodies
General Assembly
The General Assembly is the supreme entity in corporate governance.
The Table of the General Assembly holds the competences stipulated under the law and in the Corporate Contract.
The Table of the General Assembly is made up of a chair, a vice-chair and a secretary, elected by the General Assembly in accordance with Article 9 of the Corporate Contract.
The current members of the Table of the General Assembly were elected by Unanimous Written Deliberation on 4 May 2020 for a three year mandate (2020-2022).
Chair: Isabel Sofia de Sousa Santos de Albuquerque
Vice-Chair: Maria Helena Dias Duarte
Secretary: José do Espírito Santo Menezes e Teles
The powers, voting rights and functioning of the General Assembly are set out in Articles 8, 10 and 11 of the Corporate Contract.
The General Assembly is responsible for taking decisions on matters attributed to its competence by the Law and by the Statutes, including matters related to the structure and organisation of the Company, alterations to its Statutes, the election of company bodies and any other issues requested by the Board of Directors.
There are no shareholder deliberations by AdP SGPS which, by statutory imposition, may only be taken by a qualified majority, in addition to that legally stipulated, except for situations foreseen in no. 3 of article 11 of the statutes that reads as follows: “Three. Both in the first and in the second convening of the General Assembly, any deliberations over alterations to the contract, merger, demerger, transformation or dissolution of a company require approval by fifty-one percent of the votes corresponding to the capital.”
The General Assembly commonly meets annually and extraordinarily whenever convened by the General Assembly Table Chair in accordance with the Law and Statutes. Without infringing on the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the shareholders may, when so wishing, meet without recourse to the usual prior formalities, under the terms of art. 54 of the Commercial Company Code.